Getting Started

New to Yoga?

We offer several drop in Beginner classes each week which are suitable for new and beginner students. We also offer Beginner Workshops throughout the year. Our experienced teaching staff will guide your through the fundamentals providing you with a firm foundation to begin your practice.

What to Bring and Wear for Yoga

  • A yoga mat, although we do have mats available to borrow.
  • A water bottle.
  • Wear comfortable clothing to allow ease of movement. We leave our shoes in the welcome center and typically practice barefoot but socks are fine if you prefer.
  • An open mind. Chanting and breathwork may seem unusual at first. You will find after a few visits, however, they have an integrated role in a yoga practice.

Brand New to Hot Yoga?

If you are brand new to Yoga in general, we encourage you to consider beginning your journey in our Beginner Basics (regular temperature) classes before migrating to Hot so that you can learn alignment principals and the basic postures before attempting practice in a heated environment. But if you are a “jump straight in” type, then consider beginning in a Warm Flow class at first. If you already have an established Yoga practice, then simply proceed to either Warm or Hot Yoga with an open “beginner’s” mind. For all people all the time: respect your body’s feedback and inner wisdom.

Benefits of Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga classes externally warm us, penetrating muscles with heat and allowing for deeper physical practice and release. We might find we can go further into a posture in Hot Yoga than we can in normal room temperatures. Also, raised temperatures assist our body’s detoxification process because it causes us to sweat. Hot Yoga also requires the spirit to engage, to find the strength to endure. Many people report feeling very exhilarated after a Hot Yoga classes.

What to bring to your Hot Yoga class

Bring a hand towel to class given that you will sweat, and also, a skid-less moisture absorption towel designed to lay on your Yoga mat is advisable. We have micro-fiber hand and mat towels available for purchase at the front desk, or search online (at sites like Hugger Mugger) for the full variety available. Sorry, we do not offer towel rentals. Also, bring your own water bottle. Our filtered water cooler is available to refill your bottle if you run out.

How to prepare for your Hot Yoga class

Hydrate very well with water throughout the day before your class, and as a general rule of thumb, try not to eat for 2 hours prior.

Practice Caution

Practice caution, especially if you are pregnant, have diabetes, epilepsy, uncontrolled high or low blood pressure, or other health issues. As with any new exercise, please consult your doctor if you are not sure.

Warning! Do not let the following limiting thoughts keep you from doing Yoga:

“I’m not flexible”

You don’t need to be flexible to begin to practice yoga. Start where you are. Believe us! MOST people can’t wrap their leg behind their head; most can’t touch their toes. It doesn’t matter. Practice Yoga and you’ll get more flexible.

“I can’t sit still”

Yoga helps train our minds to be more calm, but until that happens, rest assured there is a LOT more movement in class than sitting meditation.

“I tried it once and I didn’t like it”

The same could be said of a lot of things. We encourage you to take several classes before you make a decision that could, seriously, alter the course of your life.

“I’ll look stupid”

Nobody is watching you. People are a) kind and b) more concerned with their own practice than yours. Besides, you are Perfect, just the way you are. Really.

“I can’t stand on my head”

Very few start being able to do this. Maybe you’ll learn this inversion, or another, one day when you’re ready. Or maybe not. It’s definitely not a prerequisite.


Feel free to contact one of our Member Consultants. They will guide you to the right classes for you and answer any questions. Member Consultants can be reached at:


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